Below are the 4 major cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle!
Without any one of these, you are simply not living the healthiest, most energetic life possible. Do you ever see those people who never seem to carry any fat on their bodies, and always have tons of energy? It's because they've figured out a way to balance and optimise the 4 cornerstones below - Movement, Nutrition, Mindset, and Recovery. Remember #HealthIsWealth

Movement is one of the best things you can offer your body. It's what it was made to do. Aim for 30 minutes of activity each day. Activities can be anything you enjoy!
hiking, walks, or runs
activities with the kids, ie yard volleyball
workouts of any kind! Our Little Fit YouTube is an awesome source for new workouts! ;)
Getting this daily 30 minutes of exercise will change the way your body and mind work, to have you looking and feeling your best. This is a habit that can add years of happy living to your life.
Nutrition & Hydration
When it comes to nutrition, it's best to keep it simple. It's easy to become overwhelmed with all the options available in this day, but there isn't any need two worry. The best bet? KISS. Keep It Simple, Sister.
Whole foods are your best friend!
Try to eat as many different kinds of fruits and veggies as you can.
Don't shy away from healthy fats from things like avocado, nuts, and healthy oils. ( mct, coconut, olive, grapeseed oil, etc.)
Have 3L of water/ day
Use pink himilayan salt on your meals
Mindset is everything. How committed are you to finding success? you can be doing everything right but still not get results if you don't maintain a positive, effective mindset. These are some helpful questions to help you check in on your mindset.
What do I want to accomplish?
WHY do I want to accomplish this?
What has stopped me from achieving this in the past?
What temporary sacrifices can I make for long-term gain?
What joy will achieving this goal bring me? The people around me?
Sleep & Recovery
Good or bad sleep habits can be the reason you do or do not get results in your health and fitness. We recommend getting 8 hours of sleep a night, no matter what. (Even if that means no Netflex!) Without that sleep, your body is unable to burn fat or build muscle as it should, and you will generally just feel low energy which leaves you vulnerable to eating out, or making other less than positive decisions.
At the end of the day, the best thing you can do to get consistent, long term results is to practice mindful movement, eating, thought patterns, and sleep hygiene. Start with becoming
proficient at one area - then when you're comfortable (and be patient with yourself!) you can move on to the next, easiest to handle cornerstone.
Want a downloadable outline of your four cornerstones of healthy living? Click below to snag a copy.

Thanks for reading!
- Kendall Kershaw
Cerified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist